Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Well, it's been a while since I posted! Ben is army crawling! (Has been for about 2 weeks) Kiley is starting to talk more! And Kaitlin finally got to play with the 4 year old girl next door. It's so cute to listen to what 4 year olds have to talk about. :) We are very busy around here. I've been taking lots of pictures, and Kevin's got a partner in his spray foam insulation business, so he's been having late nights with that. Mother's Day was nice. I got my first Kaitlin-made card! Kiley did a little scribble on it too, and Ben crumbled it up and tried to eat it, so it's got a little love from everyone! My wonderful husband got me a Victoria's Secret card...can't wait to use that! Well, here are some recent pictures of the kids!


7 1/2 months old, and too cute!

I don't know! She keeps me laughing!

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